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The development of intermittent and local generation facilities increases the need for flexibility in the power system. Storage and demand response are at the heart of these needs. There is a fast-moving regulatory environment applicable to large-scale infrastructures, distributed storage aggregation – made possible by electro-mobility – or distributed load shedding, and there are numerous important regulatory requirements. Long-term calls for tender and the modification of system services are moving toward this direction. Other flexibility services – with distribution system operators in particular – are also emerging, most often in experimental form.

Furthermore, a regulatory experimentation scheme is implemented by the Energy Regulatory Commission and the Minister for Energy allowing pioneering projects.

Finally, the change of scale of the digital and of the new information and communication technologies, which enable data sharing and remote management in the energy sector, is reflected by the terms “smart grids”, “smart metering”, “smart energies”, “smart cities”. In particular, there are numerous key automations uses in the energy sector, thanks to machine to machine (M2M) communications: smart metering and boxes, manageable electric vehicle charging infrastructure, public lighting, etc.

A thorough knowledge of energy and electronic communications regulation law is therefore essential for these innovative projects. In light of his past experiences, Marc Devedeix provides this expertise to clients.
